My name is Chantal Kopf. Since autumn 2021, I have been representing the constituency of Freiburg in the German Bundestag as a directly elected member of parliament. I am committed to our region and to issues that are crucial for our future: For consistent climate protection, for a united Europe, for an innovative economy, as well as for strong communities and environmentally friendly mobility options in town and country.

I was born on 20 March 1995 in Baden-Baden and went to school in Mainz and Baden-Baden. I moved to the beautiful city of Freiburg to study political science and English/American philology. Apart from a teaching research stint in Indonesia, I focused mainly on my favourite field, which is international politics.
Europe is a subject close to my heart. As the spokesperson for European policy, I defend my group’s position in the Committee on European Union Affairs. In addition, as a member of the Bureau of the Franco-German Parliamentary Assembly, I also work on cross-border issues and projects at the heart of Europe – from rail transport to cooperation in the field of health and research.
Memberships and functions in Bundestag
• Spokesperson for European policy of the Green parliamentary group
• Member of the Steering Committee of the Franco-German Parliamentary Assembly
• Full member of the Committee on European Union Affairs and the Committee on Economic Affairs
• Substitute member of the Committee on Petitions
Curriculum vitae